Morrnahs Prayer


Divine creator, father, mother, son as one…

If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness…

Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure light….

And it is done.


Prayers & Mantras


Only as high as I reach, 

can I grow

 Only as far as I seek, can I go 

Only as deep as I look, can I see 

Only as much as I dream, can I be

“I turn away from the world about me

to the world of Consciousness that lies within.

I shut out all memories of the past, create no images of the future. I concentrate on my being, on my awareness. I slide deep into the very recesses of my soul to a place of utter repose.

“I turn away from the world about me to the world of Consciousness that lies within. 

I shut out all memories of the past, create no images of the future. I concentrate on my being, on my awareness. I slide deep into the very recesses of my soul to a place of utter repose. 

Here I perceive faith in the making, am conscious of the one being from which all beings spring. I know that this immortal Self, this is God, this is me. 

I am, I always was, I always will be. All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of my soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in me. 


That which I thought I was, ego, I never was at all, for it was a

changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the tides, a thing to be born and grow and die. I am not a thing of time or circumstance.

 I am spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless. I am patient, for I am all time. I am wise, for I contain the knowledge of all things. I know not pain, for I see there is no beginning and no end, and who suffers pain must see beginning and end.

 I am rich, for there is no limit to the abundance I may create from my very Self. I am successful, for I need only think to achieve. I love and am beloved, for all things are myself and I am all things. 

I unite, I fuse, I become one with Universal Subconscious Mind. The mask of vanity and ego I shall never wear again. I perceive the magnificent Dweller at the center of my consciousness, and I know Him to be my very self.

 Time and space, shadow and substance,  what matter these? I am as God Is.” “The Divine Golden Light of Love Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Joy Abide.


Peace be with you, All My Peace,

The Peace that is I the Peace that is I am.

The Peace for always, now and forever and evermore.

My Peace I give to you, My Peace I leave with you,

Not the world’s Peace, but, only My Peace,

The Peace of I.

(Morrnah Simeona)

A simple Ho’oponopono mantra;

I Love you my body…
I’m sorry for whatever I have done to cause you pain, or discomfort, or disease…
Please forgive me…
Thank You…

Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo